22 Easy Facts That People Learned Recently That They Wished They Knew Their Entire Lives

    "If you’re suffering from depression, consider getting checked for a Vitamin D deficiency. This is obviously not the solution for everyone, but I struggled so badly for more than 10 years (medication, therapy, the works) for something that genuinely ended up being fixed in three months with some vitamin tablets."

    People shared things they recently learned that they wished they knew sooner. Here are just a few more tips that might make you kick yourself for not realizing earlier:

    1. "I do not need to love myself or even think that I have any value to be kind and loving and think that others have value. That’s the core of depression right there. To say that I have to love myself to truly love someone else is crap: That encourages a cycle of feeling worthless, in fact. Sure, love yourself. Of course you should. I should treat myself with the love and care I have for my kids. But to say that I don’t truly love them because I’m suffering from severe clinical depression just makes it worse."


    2. "Put on the nice shirt AFTER your brush your teeth."


    3. "At least once a day, but try for a good six: Drop your shoulders, hang your neck, then roll it about 5-10 times, and take several deep breaths. You build up so much tension through the day, and this helps to relax some of it."

    A woman massages her shoulder while working at a desk

    4. "Learning to 'be my own friend' was revelatory. I started small: took myself out to a movie. Then, I — WE! — began hitting Saturday matinees at the local 'art house' on a regular basis. No longer did I need to wait for someone else’s approval to see the indie films I so loved. I talk to myself, a lot (not in public!) and say things like, 'It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to be dissatisfied/angry/sad/grieving.' Affirmation from others is healthy and good, but primarily, I need to look out for myself if I’m going to survive the chaos of life. Take yourself out somewhere! It’s the best!"


    5. "If you paint your nails at night, wait to put on the top coat in the morning. You're probably going to get fabric impressions in your nails from your blankets when you sleep no matter how dry you think your nails are, but a good top coat will conceal those faint indentations. Plus, it's one less layer to wait to dry before bed and only one layer to dry in the morning."

    Hands painting nails

    6. "Jogging slowly is still running."


    7. "Something I tell myself all the time is that it's never too late to make changes: The next five years are going to go by whether or not you decide to start getting healthy, pursue another career, go back to school, end a bad relationship, or learn something new. Do you want to be the same person in five years, or do you want to have a better life?"


    8. "If you’re suffering from depression, consider getting checked for a Vitamin D deficiency. This is obviously not the solution for everyone, but I struggled so badly for more than 10 years (medication, therapy, the works) for something that genuinely ended up being fixed in three months with some vitamin tablets."


    9. "If your toilet tank is constantly draining and refilling, don't wait four months to fix it. Your water bill is going to be fucking crazy."

    An open toilet tank

    10. "If you eat enough fruit and vegetables, you don't need to rely on laxatives to be able to go to the bathroom. Also, you shouldn't have to strain yourself to go. Who knew?"


    11. "Don't compare yourself with someone else. You are not them, and you do not have their abilities or weaknesses. Use your yardstick on you. Compare yourself in terms of how you have done in the past. It is more accurate. And be kind to yourself if you are making strides and mistakes."


    12. "Stop chasing or catching feelings for emotionally unavailable men. PERIOD. This is why you're 28 years old and single. Stop it."


    13. "How to budget my money... I've cycled in and out of debt for years, could have been really ahead, and never knew. Someone taught me, and I'm blown away at how remarkably 'easy' it is now that I know."

    Person budgeting money while typing on a calendar

    14. "That shade throwers are being insecure and projecting their insecurity on to you like it is supposed to transfer."


    15. "That you can have a stroke in your early 30s from high cholesterol."


    16. "People would prefer, overall, if you say, 'I'm afraid I don't have a moment right now. I have 10 minutes at 4:30 p.m or half an hour tomorrow at 9:10 a.m. Can this wait until then?' instead of huffing and puffing through something that becomes stressful and forced. Just make sure you actually have time when you say you do."


    17. "It's 'piqued my interest,' not 'peaked.'"


    18. "If your veins are blue/purple, your skin has cool undertones. If your veins are green/olive, your skin has warm undertones. If your veins are blue/green, your skin has neutral undertones. Wear foundation that matches your undertones. Your makeup will look way more natural."

    Arm veins

    19. "Not every day is going to be a great day because not everything is going to work out for you in life at all times. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t accept the reality of the way you feel, and then still choose to try and have a good day."


    20. "That the back of semi trucks change direction when they take a turn. I knew it in theory but didn't really pay attention and got hit, broke my pelvis."


    21. "That your uterus can just, like...fall out"


    22. "I only recently learned that there was such a thing as a tongue scraper. I’ve been using my toothbrush all this time."

    Tongue scraper