29 Times Keira Was The Star Of "The Bachelor" Australia

    Love her or loathe her, she was the reason you watched.

    1. When she was pretty sure of herself.

    2. Like, really sure of herself.

    3. And when she was just ready to throw her head back and have a good laugh.

    4. Mostly at other people's expense.

    5. When she wasn't coping with Eliza's repeat performance of her song.

    6. When she auditioned for Fashion Police.

    7. When she thought about the logistics of Janey's ~Cinderella moment~.

    8. And took it upon herself to imagine her discomfort of leaving a shoe behind.

    9. When she was 110%.

    10. And knew how to make an entrance.

    11. When she was all of us after the show had been going on for hours.

    12. When she shut down Eliza while wearing a massive princess dress.

    13. When she knew what a man truly wanted.

    14. When she was done...

    15. ...over it...

    16. ...and REALLY ready for bed.

    17. When she had no sympathy for anyone leaving of their own accord.

    18. When she wasn't happy.

    19. When she must have missed the memo on what the show is about.

    20. When she had NO TIME for pash-less dates.

    21. When she and Sasha were bathrobe snoops.

    22. When she didn't have any time for bullshit competitive dates.

    23. When she agreed with the rest of us on the quality of the dates of this season.

    24. When she was all about the sisterhood.

    25. When she described everyone else in the house.

    26. When she was subtle.

    27. When she finally gave the intruders a warm welcome.

    28. When she understood that SHE was the real gem of the show.

    29. And when she was just a goddamn literal queen.