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17 Signs You're Having Sex With The Right Person

Get it, get it!

1. You fantasize about having sex with your partner throughout the day.

2. You say "I love you" when you're having sex, and frequently when you're not.

3. You kiss passionately during sex.

4. And make steamy, smoldering eye contact.

5. You've optimized your performance to maximize the pleasure you're causing your partner, and they seem to be reciprocating.

6. You're sexually aroused by the thought of getting married, having kids, and growing old with this person.

7. You've bought clothing knowing that it will turn your partner on, and as a result feel sexy wearing it.

8. You think about them while masturbating.

9. You've used the phrase "making love" to describe sex with your partner.

10. You aren't bothered by things like bad breath or messy hair.

11. Lights on or off, it doesn't seem to matter to you anymore.

12. Feisty debates with your partner are a total turn on, especially when they're making intellectual points.

13. You prioritize sex with your lover when thinking about your daily schedule.

14. You trust your partner, and as a result feel more uninhibited in the bedroom.

15. You get excited about trying new things in the boudoir, but never feel pressured.

16. You crave physical contact with your partner, even if it doesn't lead to sex.

17. You snuggle after sex.