15 Scams People Almost Pulled Off That Will Leave You Impressed And Appalled

    There's a reason Hollywood loves these stories.

    1. Selling the Brooklyn Bridge

    Brooklyn Bridge

    2. The Original Ponzi Scheme

    Charles Ponzi

    3. The Fake Archduchess(es)

    The Russian Imperial Family

    4. 1950s Quiz Show Scandals

    Charles Van Doren in a scene from Quiz Show

    5. The Many Identities of Frank Abagnale, Jr.

    Frank Abagnale, Jr. in 2002

    6. The Real Wolf of Wall Street

    Jordan Belfort

    7. Stephen Glass's Journalistic Deception

    Someone editing a paper with a red pen

    8. "McMillions" Scam

    McDonald's Monopoly ad

    9. Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Cheating Scandal

    A scene from the set of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? from the miniseries Quiz

    10. Bernie Madoff's Ponzi Scheme

    Bernie Madoff leaves court

    11. Corruption at FIFA

    An empty desk at a FIFA conference table

    12. Theranos

    Elizabeth Holmes walks by an ad for her since-shuttered company, Theranos

    13. Fyre Festival

    The infamous "gourmet meal" of bread and cheese from Fye Festival

    14. Anna Sorokin (aka Anna Delvey)

    The fake heiress in court

    15. Operation Varsity Blues

    Rick Singer is mobbed by reporters