Everyone Used April Fools Day To Communally Roast The Prime Minister

    Whose idea was it to hold COAG on April 1?

    1. If you haven't heard, Malcolm Turnbull is proposing to cut federal funding for public schools, while continuing to throw money at private schools. One problem...

    If a media outlet ran an April Fools story about Malcolm Turnbull's bizarre new tax plan, how could you tell?

    2. He's negotiating the deal today.

    Even the PM is getting in on April Fools by bringing a plan to COAG to end federal funding of state schools. Great prank, good one Malcolm.

    3. All the state premiers and chief ministers came to Canberra today.

    *Scans the headlines for April Fools jokes*....nope not Malcolm Turnbull cutting funding to public schools...that's real sadly #auspol

    4. The day for ~foolery~

    @JazzTwemlow Maybe today should have been the day when Malcolm informed people of the State income tax idea? Has the ring of April fools.

    5. Apparently the proposal is so radical it sounds like a joke.

    Gotcha! Turnbull announces ridiculous idea to allow states to levy income tax was just #AprilFools joke. #auspol #coag

    6. A one-day-every-year kinda joke.

    Just before midday, amidst debate on school funding, Mr Turnbull cries out "April Fools!" Wait for "pull my finger" https://t.co/ATPx08ozss

    7. And people don't want to be caught the fool on the fool's day.

    @TripleMAdelaide great start to #AprilFoolsDay with Malcolm Turnbull tax plan #AprilFools joke?

    8. Like maybe?

    maybe turnbull's tax plan is an extended april fools joke

    9. It certainly would be in line with other hijinks on April 1.

    How funny would it be if Turnbull announced he was devolving income tax power to the states & abolishing public school funding? #AprilFools

    10. Who organised COAG for April 1 anyway?

    How fitting that Turnbull is presenting his income tax changes to the states on April Fools Day #auspol

    11. That was a shithouse idea.

    How appropriate turnbull puts his idiotic proposal to COAG on April Fools Day you couldn't plan that if you tried

    12. But people will not be fooled.

    Turnbull today will release his tax and education plans he dreamed up two days ago. He picked the right day April Fools Day.We are not fools

    13. *opens iCal* yes, definitely April 1.

    Can't think of a better day for #COAG than April Fools Day #auspol

    14. It's a sweet arse coincendence tbh.

    April fools lost any chance of impact after Turnbull announced that the government would stop funding public schools. How do you top that?

    15. Even Labor were getting in on the action.

    The Turnbull proposal to stop federal funding of Government schools is so reckless it is hard to believe.

    16. According to the opposition, there was no day like today.

    .@AlboMP tells @peterstefanovic it's appropriate that it's April fools day when the #COAG are meeting to discuss Turnbull's absurd tax plan

    That awful feeling when everyone thinks your once-in-a-generation tax plan is a well-timed joke...