US Philosopher Cornel West Went On "Q&A" And Tore It Down

    "Now if y'all had an Aboriginal prime minister, wouldn't that be something?"

    American thinker and philosopher Cornel West delighted audiences on ABC's Q&A, as he questioned Australia's changes to citizenship laws and went toe-to-toe with Australia's oldest MP, Philip Ruddock.

    Dr Cornel West is a philosopher and specialist in African American studies, spending time teaching at several universities including Princeton, Harvard, the University of Paris and now at the Union Theological Seminary in New York.

    His appearance in Australia, on the sometimes dull Q&A, brought the house down.

    There was the time he reacted hilariously when Phillip Ruddock told him "only one" minister would oversee the revoking of Australian citizenship under proposed new security and terrorism laws.

    And when someone from the audience asked about having the freedom to not serve people based on their beliefs, he quipped, "Do you sell a cake to a gangster?"

    Cornel west "Do you sell a cake to a gangster?" 😂😂 I absolutely love this man #qanda

    He also suggested an Aboriginal prime minister would be a good step on the way to achieving equality, drawing connections between Australia's indigenous people and the experience of African Americans in the U.S.

    "If Ya'll had an Aboriginal PM that would be something" Go you good thing Dr Cornel West #Indigenous #QandA

    After giving a rousing final address, which drew in blues and jazz music with the plight of the human condition, he stood and embraced Ruddock in a touching moment.

    It was unanimous: more Cornel West pls.

    Let's have @CornelWest every week. #QandA

    Speaking of citizenship, can we offer it to @CornelWest? #qanda

    Yasssssss for @CornelWest on #QandA.

    Cornel West made #qanda more enjoyable to watch. We need more black people on the show

    Was it just me, or did anyone notice some special moments between Cornel West and Phil Ruddock...the start of a beautiful friendship? #qanda

    Most of the panel tonight could not keep up with his (@CornelWest) intellect, quite a few moments of silence from the panel… #QandA

    Please stay in Australia @CornelWest. You can make such a change! #qanda