21 Things We Secretly Enjoy

    A little humblebragging never hurt anyone.

    1. Actually getting to bed on time.

    2. Ugly clothes that are more function than form.

    3. Being the loner at the party.

    4. Embracing being a slob.

    5. Getting away with putting in as little effort as possible.

    6. Memes. (Even if we think we're above it.)

    7. Gawking at the plight of others.

    8. Using the weather as an excuse to spend money.

    9. Being unproductive.

    10. Fantasizing about our impending doom.

    11. Living like a bachelor.

    12. Embracing old lady habits.

    13. Making bad decisions.

    14. Calling in sick.

    15. Making a public spectacle of ourselves.

    16. Asserting our dominance.

    17. Tactile comforts.

    18. Being harassed by our pets.

    19. Getting on our friends' nerves.

    20. Attending the party, but finding an excuse to be antisocial.

    21. Subtly letting the world know how awesome we are.

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