This is a personal, non-sponsored post by a member of BuzzFeed's ad content team.

    16 Human Shortcomings

    We are delicate creatures.

    1. Sometimes we are a little absentminded.

    2. We struggle to maintain our appearance throughout the day.

    3. We find it difficult to commit to eating healthy.

    4. Sometimes we accidentally manufacture toxic waste and pass it off as candy.

    5. In our quest for perfection, we cannot anticipate disaster.

    6. We are impatient with the pace of nature.

    7. We crave that which we know to be horrendous.

    8. We have trouble adapting to the temperature of our surroundings.

    9. Our value of our lives pale in comparison to the lives of our pets.

    10. We have perspective on all things but ourselves.

    11. We cannot be both virtuous and successful at the same time.

    12. We struggle to rise with the sun.

    13. We are easily manipulated by astrology.

    14. We pour all our precious resources into the act of coupling.

    15. We do not always practice the best judgement in long term decision making.

    16. We haven't quite mastered social interaction.

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