Justin Bieber Is Crowdsourcing His Wedding Tux And Wow, Did He Pick Some Unique Ones

    Hailey Bieber's first choice is the tuxedo romper.

    In case you haven't been following every developing detail of Justin Bieber and Hailey Bieber's upcoming fall wedding, the pair — who legally wedded last September — are having a formal celebration Sept. 30.

    While they personally haven't disclosed any details, according to the pop art–inspired invitation, it will be happening in South Carolina. The pair will be surrounded by Kendall Jenner as well as “their pastor friends and a lot of their Christian friends,” according to Hailey's dad, Stephen Baldwin, who is walking her down the aisle.

    Basically, expect to see a million updates on it between now and when it actually goes down at the end of the month.

    The latest? Justin has decided to crowdsource what he will be wearing for the occasion.

    "Help me choose a tux for my wedding. It’s between these three," Justin wrote on Instagram, sharing some pretty unforgettable choices, from a pink tux to a striped rainbow suit (and matching tie) and, most memorable of all, perhaps, a tuxedo romper.

    He then shared a couple more options, which were noticeably more of a joke. There was a banana suit and an American Psycho look with a blood-splattered white suit (and a model who took his job incredibly seriously).

    Well, Hailey has now officially weighed in, and she has a favorite. Drumroll...it is the wedding romper.

    No doubt Justin appreciated her generously offering her opinion.

    These two are so in sync, it's like they should get married or something.