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    7 Tried And Tested Maybelline Products BuzzFeed Staff Love

    Nothing makes me happier than premium beauty at chemist prices.

    1. This SuperStay Full Coverage Foundation, which gives complete coverage without ever getting chalky or cakey.

    2. This Creamy Mattes Lipstick, which unlike other matte formulas, will not cause your lips to dry and flake.

    3. This SuperStay Matte Ink Liquid Lipstick, a powerful pigment with a non-drying, non-tacky formula that applies precisely and lasts through meals.

    4. This Master Holographic Prismatic Highlighter, perfect for anyone looking to change up their usual bronze-toned highlighter.

    5. This Instant Age Rewind Concealer, which covers dark circles without filling fine lines and reduces the appearance of puffiness.

    6. This Dream Fresh BB Cream, which makes a no-effort makeup look possible with just a dab or two, evening out skin tone while feeling light as air.

    7. This Volum' Express The Falsies Mascara, which will give you impossibly-feathery lashes without extensions.

    Me, all day, every day.