21 Things Every Fake Adult Has Experienced

    No one told us it would be like this.

    1. Feeling like time is running out.

    2. Realising that you’re not a child any more.

    @nikkifaceful / Via Twitter: @nikkifaceful

    You must now accept your fate by providing for yourself.

    3. Telling someone off and realising you sound like your mother.

    4. Being unable to enjoy being out with friends because you almost always want to go home.

    5. Having to "there’s food at home" yourself.

    oeste-archived / Via theglasschild.tumblr.com

    True pain is resigning yourself to magicking something out of the ingredients sitting forlornly in your kitchen cupboard.

    6. Using Saturdays for errands when you thought the weekend was going to be for fun.

    7. Realising you’re officially no longer down with the kids.

    youths will literally bully you for anything. my bf said my housemate bought milk, then went to mcds & some kids yelled "milk boy" at him

    charlubby / Via Twitter: @charlubby

    They take one look at you and just know that you have no cool credentials any more.

    8. Having friends in different places and therefore feeling like you have no friends.

    9. Scrolling through the let-me-tell-you-about-my-success cesspit social media has become.

    marxistbarbie / Via redlionlad.tumblr.com

    Scrolling through your timeline means seeing all the internships, fellowships, and job offers the people you couldn't stand in school are flaunting.

    10. Accepting the deterioration of your 5-year-plan: or the acceptance of your ever-changing future.

    11. Getting nostalgic about stuff and making up a version of events you're not sure even happened the way you remember them.

    12. Wondering in horror if your social media etiquette is now dated and you’re suddenly uncool.

    13. Outgrowing friends and feeling weird about it.

    people: "wait, u two aren't friends anymore??! but y'all used to be so close!" me:

    @ItsKermit / Via Twitter: @ltsKermit

    Pretty soon, the spark just isn't there.

    14. Getting weirdly emotional about doing chores you've put off for a long time. Like laundry.

    15. Realising that you probably won’t ever own a house and all your 10-year-old Argos catalogue scrapbooking collage dreams are dead.

    Millennials Can't Afford Homes Because They Are Greedily Using Both Kidneys

    @ggoooooddddoogg / Via Twitter: @ggooooddddoogg

    The true millennial struggle.

    16. Waking up in the middle of the night with flashbacks of something embarrassing you said or did once.

    17. Biting your tongue when someone older than you starts talking politics at a family event.

    18. Experiencing FOMO and not even understanding why.

    19. Responding to moments of rejection and failure with healthy bouts of unhinged laughter.

    20. Realising that every adult in the whole world is just like you: making it up as they go along.

    partybarackisinthehousetonight / Via partybarackisinthehousetonight.tumblr.com

    You mean we're all just improvising? Seriously?

    21. Coming to the slow but ultimately peaceful realisation that you actually know nothing.