Things You Only Get If You Did Theater In High School

    OMG did you hear? We're doing LES MIS !

    1. You played objectively embarrassing theater games with enthusiasm.

    2. Cast parties were either wild orgies...

    ...Or incredibly tame.

    3. When the casting list came up you were like.....

    4. You made THE MOST out of your nonspeaking role.

    5. You were in the background of every scene like...

    6. It wasn't tech week unless your director was having an inappropriate melt down.

    7. Every cast had a ratio of one straight guy to 16 thirsty girls.

    8. And he always sucked.


    9. If you were doing a Shakespeare play, you were doing a bad British accent.

    10. Reading at the audition, you thought you were like this...

    ...But you were actually just like this...

    11. When your friend gets a part and you don't, you're like...

    12. When they announce that the spring musical will be Les Mis.

    13. You:


    14. When your parents see the show that you've spent months working on...

    15. How you think you're going to look in your costume...

    ...How you actually looked in your costume...

    16. When you had to do that exercise where you count to 20 as a group...

    And there's always that one kid who effs it up. Every. Single. Time.


    17. You would normally be embarrassed to change in front of everyone...

    ...But backstage, you were like...

    18. High school theater was weird. So weird.

    But it's fine, because you were a goddamn star!