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21 Things That Will Make Your Netflix Binge So Much Better

::doesn't leave house all weekend::

1. A popcorn bowl that sifts the kernels out for you.

2. A website that helps you track down where to stream shows and movies.

3. A candle that matches your television or movie choice.

These candles from Nerdie Nifties on Etsy are $6.

Get the Game of Thrones candle here and the Stranger Things candle here.

4. A hug-a-plug that doubles your outlet capacity and makes plugging bulky laptop cords in a breeze.

Get it from Amazon for $7.35. For more colors and multi-packs, check here.

5. A tee that shows your most powerful skill to the world.

6. Reusable toaster pockets that let you make grilled cheeses without the frying pan.

7. A set of fairy lights with Bluetooth speakers so you can get your surround sound on.

8. A set of wine glasses with lids so you don't spill red all over your couch.

Like when the big twist happens in Scandal.

Get a set of four from Amazon for $34.95.

9. A lazy snack recipe you can whip together at a moment's notice.

10. A low-tech iPhone projector box that's perfect for a DIY outdoor movie theater.

11. A video chat service that lets you watch streamed movies and shows with a faraway friend.

12. A weighted cupholder that bends to fit any couch arm.

Get it from Amazon for $29.99.

13. A Rotten Tomatoes list of certified fresh movies by streaming service (HBO, Netflix, Amazon Video, etc.).

14. A cat-scratching pad that looks like a laptop so your cat stays off of YOURS.

15. A pair of comfy headphones for when you want to lie down and watch TV without bothering your roommate.

16. A handy guide to Netflix keyboard shortcuts.

Because you want to hit "Continue Watching" as quickly as possible. (Get the tee from 4th and E Designs on Etsy for $16.50).

Check out 16 other tips to optimize your Netflix use here.

17. A ventilated laptop stand that makes watching TV while lying down so much easier.

Get it from Amazon for $85.

18. A printable do not disturb sign customized to your needs.

19. A gadget that mounts your phone or tablet to your computer so you can be productive on one device while streaming on the other.

20. A thematic blanket that'll wrap you in television ambiance.

Get the TARDIS one from ThinkGeek for $29.99 and the Star Trek one from ThinkGeek for $24.99.

21. And a site that lets you check if Netflix is having outages, or if there's something wrong with your internet connection.

Now all you need are some friends and a boatload of chocolate pudding.

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