21 Instagrams To Follow If You Want To Travel The World

    Get inspiration or let these photographers do the legwork.

    1. Amsterdam, Netherlands: @macenzo

    Macenzo is an amateur freelance photographer based in Amsterdam. His graphic design background heavily influences his photography, which often focuses on lines and colors.

    2. Antarctica: @bipolaire61

    Bipolaire61 sails around the world creating amazing photos but the ones of the Antarctic are truly one of a kind. Follow their account for insane photos of penguins, ice formations, and all the wonders of an untouched land.

    3. Berlin, Germany: @jn

    Joerg's feed features photos of one of the world's busiest cities, in motion.

    4. Brunei, Southeast Asia: @amiranas

    Visit Brunei on the Southeast Asian island of Borneo with amiranas's account, which often features photos of the beach and many beautiful vistas found in the sovereign state.

    5. Capetown, South Africa: @hipebeast

    Taking photos of both the city of Cape Town and the areas surrounding it, Hipebeast shows the different social economic and social groups found in the South African city.

    6. Chicago, Illinois: @trashhand

    Trashhand has been featured on HypeBeast, Huffington Post, and on Instagram's website. While he formally works with Nike, his Instagram mostly features incredible photos of the Windy City.

    7. Gold Coast, Australia: @laurenepbath

    Lauren's photos will make you want to leave your desk and fly to Australia immediately. All her photos are bathed in the type of sunlight you can only get on the best days at the beach.

    8. Istanbul, Turkey: @sert_mehmet

    Sert_mehmert's feed perfectly captures the essence of the Mediterranean. Focusing mainly on color and movement, his photos will transport you to Turkey right from your pocket.

    9. Los Angeles, California: @phenom

    When he's not taking photos on his iPhone, Phenom is a recording artist and music producer. It's easy to see that he brings his energy and creativity to his cityscapes.

    10. Mexico City, Mexico: @zaruhy

    Zaruhy is an architectural photographer based in Mexico. Many of her photos are minimalist and feature white open spaces or structural details, creating truly unique compositions.

    11. Moscow, Russia: @russian_moscow

    Russian_moscow captures the colorful and diverse country that is Russia. Ilya often bikes through Moscow and the countryside, taking his camera along, resulting in a real mix of photographs.

    12. New England, USA: @karynkelly

    Karyn's photos have a special New England glow to them. Mostly images of nature and only-in-the-East views, Karyn creates photos that make you want to move to Massachusetts immediately.

    13. New York, New York: @aguynamedpatrick

    A graphic designer and art director, Patrick always sees New York through a creative lens. Traveling by bike, he often documents his day to day adventures including what he eats, his friends, and the many different neighborhoods in the amazing city.

    14. North Korea: @dguttenfelder

    An Associated Press chief Asia photographer, David Guttenfelder is currently on assignment for National Geographic magazine in North Korea, showing us a world we often don't have the opportunity to see.

    15. Paris, France: @vutheara

    A photographer for the Office of Tourism in Paris, VuTheara Kham creates amazing slice of life images bathed in Parisian light.

    16. São Paulo, Brazil: @pedropavanato

    Many of Pedro's photos are of the diverse population in Brazil. While some are in color, many are in black and white, showing the bright and spirited country in a new way.

    17. San Francisco, California: @twheat

    TWheat's instagram page should come with a light jacket and sourdough bread because it is SO Bay Area. A communications manager at Instagram, he brings his followers along while he collects photos of The City by The Bay.

    18. Tokyo, Japan: @hirozzzz

    Hirozzzz perfectly captures the mix of both modern and ancient structures that populate Japan. Although based in Tokyo, his feed often shows photos of the diverse landscapes available in the country.

    19. Toronto, Canada: @erikballantine

    Based in the largest city in Canada, Erik's photos bring out an array of colors found in one of the most diverse cities in the world.

    20. The United Kingdom: @mistersullivan

    Originally from Wales, Mr. Sullivan is currently living in Gloucestershire, England. His photos cover the wide and ever changing landscapes of the United Kingdom, showing both the modern and historical splendors of the sovereign state.

    21. Vancouver, Canada: @othellonine

    Scott Rankin describes himself as a "Vancouver BC based photo adventurer." He takes photos wherever he goes, but his photos of his home city are particularly special. Many feature the beautiful mountains and large sky found in the seaport city.