15 Reasons Why "Veronica Mars" Is One Of The Best Shows To Ever Grace Our TV Screens

    Uh, did we mention Kristen Bell?!

    1. Kristen Bell is wonderful and you should watch anything she's in just because it's her.

    2. The father/daughter relationship is serious family goals.

    3. The hair and outfits in the early seasons will give you serious 2000s nostalgia.

    4. It doesn't hurt that the entire cast is extremely attractive.


    6. It is absolutely dripping with sarcasm at every turn.

    7. It's all about badass female empowerment.

    8. It's full of old, cheesy one-liners. Like this:

    9. And this.

    10. They tackle some pretty heavy-hitting topics and issues.

    11. Everyone in this show is not having it with anyone's bullshit.

    12. I mentioned the hair, right?

    13. It showcases some pretty awesome friendships.

    14. Oh, it's also got murder.

    15. Seriously. It's just great.