I Will Now Compare The Video Of Zac Efron Golfing Shirtless To The Musical Number "Bet On It"

    Bet on that.

    In 2007, High School Musical 2 was released, and that's when we were blessed with "Bet On It." The best music number to ever exist!!

    Remember? Troy Bolton aggressively danced his way around a golf course. It was so angsty and beautiful.

    Anywho, it has been 12 whole years since then and finally Zac Efron is back where it all began!!!!!!!

    After watching that video you may have noticed that things have changed a bit. We will now discuss those things.

    Then: Zac Efron walked onto a golf course and stomped his feet.

    Now: Zac Efron stands in place on a golf course, and instead of stomping his feet he squeezes his man-teets together:

    Then: Zac wore a shirt, seemed moody, and probably scuffed up the green with his dance moves:

    Now: Zac is less moody however he probably violates the country club rules by going shirtless. Oh well!

    Then: Zac hits the ball and it goes into the water

    Now: Zac hits the ball and it flies off into the sunset.

    Then: After the ball fell into the water Zac was sad.

    Now: After the ball went in a pleasant direction, Zac was happy! He did good golf.

    Then: Zac used his golf club to jazz up his moves.

    Now: Zac grips his club tightly whilst his muscles bulge and veins protrude. At no point does he pretend it's a cane or that he's in a broadway show.

    Then: Zac looks at an extremely high definition reflection of himself.

    Now: The only reflection I see is of my own face staring back at me when I force myself to turn off my computer so that I stop lookin' at that cute butt, amirite?!?!!

    So there you have it folks! That was then:

    And this is now:

    Thank you father time!

    Father time to me:
