30 Tweets That Have Nothing To Do With Being Quarantined But Will 100% Make You Laugh

    Things suck, but the tweets are still funny.

    I know that all we are talking about right now is you-know-what (quarantine) and you-know-who (coronavirus), but there are still things to laugh about that have nothing to do with anything that's going on right now. To prove it to you, here are 30 tweets that are extremely funny and totally irrelevant. ENJOY.


    wwyd if i put my cursor over ur cursor in the google doc


    Hey sharks I won’t take up too much of your time, my idea is baby carrots that aren’t soaking wet


    can you imagine being on this plane. I would be so scared


    “What if we gave every mom an absolute dumptruck ass” -pixar


    The Postal Service does not exist to turn a profit it exists to remind us that the freckles in our eyes are mirror images and when we kiss they're perfectly aligned.


    ever look at your dog and think about how weird it is that she doesn't know how she got to your home or why she's there or who you are but has decided to roll with it


    hey asshole I'll See you in court...food court !!! We are friends


    BIGGEST TWIST ENDINGS 3) fight club 2) the sixth sense 1) the song “row row row your boat”


    the only way to truly enjoy someones Instagram story is if ur completely in love with them or U want them dead. everything in between its like...what is going on here


    imagine getting hit by a car😂😂 i’d just get up because that’s mad embarrassing


    friendship is just giving each other the same advice back and forth and no one taking it


    CAPTCHA: to prove you’re not a robot please select all images with SCOOTERS Me: Ok I- CAPTCHA: that is a moped. you fool. you absolute imbecile.


    Lasagna asks the question, "what if pasta were a book"


    fish are so lucky no talking or thinking all they know is swim be pretty and be stupid


    No emoji will ever compare with “:/“....they just don’t have the range


    Everyone on this website is always like, "Eat the rich," but then Carol Baskin feeds her millionaire husband to a tiger and it's a problem, hypocrites


    tucking someone’s tag back inside their shirt is the sixth love language.


    gonna hit rock bottom does anybody want anything


    Q is too high up in the alphabet. I respect it but it has no place between P and R. Should be at the end with the weirdo/goth letters


    Oh my god y’all this guy i used to talk to made me a playlist like a year ago called “for syd” and i have had it saved to my spotify library since and i just saw it for the first time in months and it’s called “for bailey”


    Remember 4th grade P.E. when you ran a 5 minute mile in street clothes and then went directly to math?


    Me: why does my back hurt Also me:


    Jane Austen will introduce a character like “she was ugly.”


    If you ever wanna be humbled, ask your brother how you look


    Why are puzzles so expensive?? Like bitch you are a broken picture. You should be paying me.


    as my mental health deteriorates my lmaos get longer lmaoooooo


    ok i’ll bite: what are “relaxed shoulders”


    HULU don’t be giving a fuck if you fall asleep, you wake up & you already on season 17 episode 22


    this post is so real .. like it really puts things into perspective
