19 Simple Facts About Life That Will Leave You With More Anxiety Than Before You Read This Post


    I was browsing through Reddit, when I happened upon some threads about "creepy" facts. Instead of immediately closing the tab, I read all of them. Thousands and thousands of comments about things that are scary, creepy and unsettling. So, because I know these "facts" I figured everyone else should too. Because we're all in this together!! I apologize in advance for the anxiety this may cause you.

    1. "There is no real way to prove that anything exists outside your consciousness."


    2. "It is closer to the year 2030 than the year 2005."


    3. "We’re flying on a rock with a speed of 67,000 mph around the Sun, plus we’re flying with the Sun around the center of the galaxy with the speed of 490,000 mph and...there’s no roof above our head to protect us from things coming our way with such speeds..."


    4. "There are some parts of the universe that we’ll never, ever be able to see. No matter what we do. They’ll always remain just out of reach."


    5. "The concept of 'sonder': The realization that each and every person you encounter in even the smallest of ways has a life and an existence as complex as your own."


    6. "At some point in your life, you will be the next person on Earth to die."


    7. "Go into your calendar app. Scroll 150 or so years into the future. You will not see those days. Those birthdays for your friends and family that repeat? Yeah, those won’t matter anymore. Now, you might be thinking, But with modern medicine I might live that long! But no. You almost certainly will not. If you want to contemplate your own mortality, open your app, and find some random Wednesday in June of 2185. And think of all the things that will happen that day, that you won’t be seeing."


    8. "It's entirely possible that you have never had an original thought or idea in your entire life."


    9. "After the Big Bang, all matter and energy in the universe started expanding from one point. Well, it was evidently discovered that the universe has reached escape velocity from itself. That is, that the gravitational pull of all matter in the universe cannot pull hard enough to bring it all back together. What does this mean? It means that all things will play out, energy-wise. Eventually, all the matter in the universe will use up all the potential energy, and just drift apart forever. Everything will die. And this existence only happens once."


    10. "How do you know anyone else in the world is truly conscious? That they aren’t just husks, and you’re the only truly intelligent person in the world?"


    11. "Not only does the moon orbit earth, and the earth orbits the sun, but the sun is also traveling through the Milky Way galaxy while the galaxy is also moving through space."


    12. "You will be dead far longer than you ever lived. Living is the most miniscule aspect of your existence."


    13. "Bacteria will eat you after you die. Alternatively, you will be lit on fire."

    — Face_McSh00ty

    14. "Some day, there will be nobody in the world who remembers who you were."


    15. "There are more bacteria and assorted 'non-human' cells inside your body than there are cells carrying your DNA. And when you die, they don't die; just the opposite. After they lower you into the ground, for months your body can look forward to being more 'alive' than ever."


    16. "No one gets out of this place alive. Everyone and everything eventually dies."


    17. "We cannot know if anything outside of our experience is 'true', we only have to expect it. When looking at something the only thing we know for certain is that we experience ourself looking at that thing."


    18. "We are born, we go to institutions to learn how to obey other people, only to then go to another institution to earn money that we then exchange for the right to live. Then, we leave that institution once we are deemed useless, and pay more money to another institution to keep us alive so that we can keep giving people money. Even when we die, we have to pay. You need to pay for the hospital or doctor that declares your death, then the box they shove your body in, then someone pays for it all to be disposed in whatever manner you’ve chosen. What do we live for? Basically, to pay people for the right to exist, and then to pay people for the right to be dead."


    19. "Of all the consciences that could have been born in my body, I'm the one looking through these eyes."


    HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!!!

    All thoughts from various Reddit threads.

    Note: These responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.