31 Pictures Of Famous People And Their Body Doubles That Keep Me Awake At Night

    It's movie magic.

    1. The Ben Afflecks:

    2. The Keanu Reeveses:

    3. The Natasha Lyonnes:

    4. The Zac Efrons:

    5. The Jennifer Lopezes:

    6. The Reese Witherspoons:

    7. The Dakota Johnsons and Penn Badgleys:

    8. The Colin Farrells:

    9. The Bradley Coopers:

    10. The Will Smiths:

    11. The Sandra Bullocks:

    12. The Brad Pitts:

    13. The Elizabeth Bankses:

    14. The Jack Blacks:

    15. The Jamie Alexanders:

    16. The Rocks:

    17. The Adam Sandlers:

    18. The many Andrew Garfields:

    19. The Taylor Lautners:

    20. The Rami Maleks:

    21. The Sutton Fosters:

    22. The Priyanka Chopras:

    23. The Other Priyanka Chopras:

    24. The Chris Evanses:

    25. The Dolph Lundgrens:

    26. The Tom Hardys:

    27. The Michael Douglases:

    28. The Brienne of Tarths and the Hounds:

    29. The Jared Padaleckis:

    30. The Robert De Niros:

    31. The Bruce Willises: