I Can't Stop Watching Maisie Williams' Insane Knife Flip While Training For A "Game Of Thrones" Fight Scene

    How she do that.

    Before Arya did that thang that she did to the Night King, she displayed even better and more hypnotic knife skills back in Season 7, and I ain't lying!

    Remember this scene when she sparred with Brienne?

    View this video on YouTube


    Well, obviously she had to train for that scene, and this moment while they were practicing has consumed me for the last 24 hours:

    At age 12, @Maisie_Williams, who is right-handed, decided to play Arya Stark left-handed to be true to the books. She rigorously trained to perform fight scenes with her non-dominant hand. Watch this insanely slick knife flip from the BTS training. Mary Sue my fucking ass.

    Did you see that?!?!

    I can't stop watching.


    I shall zoom and slow it down because it is beautiful.

    I shall now just show you the moment again because, like I said, I can't look away. The flip! The catch! The skillz!

    In the actual show they zoomed in on the flip and It happened so fast I didn't even realize it was really Maisie doin' the thing. BUT IT WAS.

    She did that!

    Here's the whole vid where they show the training so that you can just watch it over and over in your own time.

    View this video on YouTube


    But basically, in the wise words of Sophie Turner:

    Sansa said it best: Arya really is THAT BITCH #NotToday

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