Don't Talk To Me Unless It's About Mary Steenburgen And Ted Danson Being The World's Greatest Couple

    My OTP.

    Say what you want about literally anything, but unless we agree that Ted Danson and Mary Steenburgen are the world's greatest couple, don't talk to me. Their relationship is the foundation of my entire life. I know that sounds dramatic, and it is, but also it's true, sorry. Please, let me explain.

    These two cool kids have been together forever.

    Literally 23 years!!!!!

    As Mary said, that's roughly a billion years in Hollywood time.

    Not sure this love is real? Well, it's in Ted's Instagram bio so obviously that means it's legit.

    Also, just look at them!!!! The cutest mother forkin' couple I ever did see!!

    Everything they say about each other makes me wanna die inside (in a good way).

    Her hero!!

    The love of his life!

    Proud of Dr. Danson!

    I'm no softy, but I'm feeling soft!!

    However this relationship isn't just about what they say about each other or how good they look together in suits.

    It's the love, people. The love!!!

    Here is the people's evidence #1: Ted didn't get to celebrate his birthday last year, so this year Mary surprised him over and over again.

    I'm talkin' plane seats, surprise dinners, and surprise parties with friends. She did that!

    Here is the people's evidence #2: They watch TV together while sharing an ottoman. So simple, yet so pure.

    For the people's evidence #3 I present this comment Mary left on Ted's Instagram.

    And for the people's evidence #4 I present how much January Jones loves them as a couple.

    Same, January Jones, same!!

    So yeah, like I said, they are the world's greatest couple.

    Don't talk to me if you disagree!!!!!