Chuck Schumer Said Trump "Incited The Erection" Instead Of "Insurrection" By Mistake And I'm Laughing

    I'm 5 years old, so obviously this made me laugh.

    It happened. Chuck Schumer was discussing the events of Jan. 6 and he flubbed. He flubbed hard. REAL HARD. EXTREMELY HARD.

    Instead of saying "incited the insurrection," he only said the last half of the word, but then changed it a bit and it became ERECTION.

    Twitter: @RexChapman

    That's gonna be a yikes from me, dawg.

    OOPSIE DAISY, amirite?

    Somehow, this is not the first time this has happened. Anderson Cooper said the exact same thing on his show a few days ago.

    "he did incite an erection on the Capitol"

    Twitter: @atrupar

    Anderson corrected himself, but we did not get the same "when you call your teacher Mom" face from him like we did from Schumer.

    I truly hope this never happens again because I literally hate the words "Trump" and "erection" in the same sentence. IT IS INSURRECTION PEOPLE, PLEASE LET'S MAKE SURE WE SAY IT RIGHT.