Chelsea Clinton Has Been Dragging Trump On Twitter And It's Pretty Funny

    She did that.

    You know Chelsea Clinton because she's Chelsea Clinton. AKA the former first daughter of the United States Of America, a PhD holder, and also a tweeter (I mean, who isn't these days?)

    Recently Chelsea has been addressing everything happening in our country right now with tweets that are both subtly shady and also just blunt AF.

    Chelsea seems to have perfected the art of a Twitter response.

    There's this one from Feb. 6:

    And this one, with a smattering of shade I didn't know she had in her.

    There's also this one.

    And this one.

    And this one, in which she poses an interesting question:

    Her responses are basically therapeutic.

    Soul cleansing even.

    Plus, she looks at elephants to make her happy. And that's something.

    And if you're wondering if Chelsea is actually the mastermind behind her Twitter, rest assured: She is.

    I guess it makes sense that she'd be active on Twitter. After all if Zenon: Girl Of The 21st Century is right, she'll be our president in 2049.