Everything You Need To Know About The World's Biggest Dinosaurs

    I went and now I want to tell you about it.

    The World's Biggest Dinosaurs is a random roadside attraction in Palm Springs, California. They are also known as the Cabazon Dinosaurs. I went there this weekend because why wouldn't I drive 1.5 hours to see a couple dinosaur statues in the desert??!?

    Also, it's part creationist museum!

    Creationists believe that humans and dinosaurs existed on the earth at the same time. But we'll get to that later!

    When you drive up to the dinosaurs the first thing you'll see is — YOU GUESSED IT! — the dinosaurs. They are the world's biggest after all!!!

    This is me in front of the T-Rex. We look exactly alike!!

    This is me in front of the other dinosaur, the apatosaurus.

    He looks sad!

    Now that I had seen both dinosaurs, it was time to go to the museum!


    Beware - It costs a pretty penny! I paid for my friend because I forced her to come with me.

    But first — a bathroom stop! It got a little confusing since I was neither a girl nor a boy dinosaur. Honestly how the dinos even fit through these doors is beyond me.

    The first part of the museum, which is actually more of a zoo-like structure with fake animals — is the Dino Dig. Here you can search for fossils and rocks.

    After that was this cute little shed with a severed dinosaur head on it. It was still bleeding*!

    Next up: the exhibits!

    As I mentioned this is also a creationist museum, which means that lambs were alive when dinosaurs were alive.

    It's the same reason there is a lion chillin' right by these other dinosaurs.

    And another by these velociraptors!

    Also these human people were alive and in grave danger.

    The outdoor museum also included two sassy Triceratops.

    A constipated stegosaurus:

    Whoever this cute guy is that is also probably drunk or high:

    And a dino butt hole!

    In Conclusion: The dinosaurs were big — maybe even the biggest, I don't know, I haven't seen any others. But was it worth my 17 dollars and a few hours of my time? YES SIR.

    This roadside attraction gets Lauren's stamp of approval with a "Just go to it, why the heck not!"