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Actors That Should Play Disney Princes In Real Life

They should do Avengers Disney style with all the princes and have them played by these people.

Prince Eric: Matt Bomer

Dark hair: CHECK.

Blue eyes: CHECK.

Thick brows: CHECK.

Chiseled jaw: CHECK.

10/10 would want him to pull me ashore after growing legs: CHECK

John Smith: Alex Pettyfer

I realize here it's hard to differentiate which one here is John Smith and which is Alex Pettyfer. (Alex is the one on the right wearing the suit, and John Smith on the left with his shirt wide open.)

Prince Phillip: Ryan Reynolds

Besides having the same facial expression in these photos, Ryan Reynolds really does look like Prince Phillip and he would probably look amazing in a belt.

Prince Naveen: Michael B. Jordan

Other than having two single solitary gigantic teeth that go around his whole mouth, Prince Naveen is a very, VERY fine looking man and with a little shave, Michael B. Jordan is the perfect guy to play him.

The Beast/ Prince Adam: Jason Momoa

First of all, Jason Momoa is kind of already a little beasty (*nudges you*). Second, when the beast turns human and he's in the rain it turns out he has gigantic muscles and secret chest beauty, which is where Jason thrives.

Prince from Snow White: Matt Lanter

Slap some lipstick on Matt Lanter's face and you have yourself the prince from Snow White.

Prince Charming: Brandon Routh

If you ask Brandon Routh if he has any brothers he'll probably say, "Yes, Prince Charming from Cinderella." AND HE WON'T BE JOKING! Also, work has been a bit slow since Superman; he could use another gig!

Captain Li Shang: Daniel Dae Kim

Not technically a prince but still more than deserving of an IRL counterpart. Daniel was fierce in LOST so you know he has that warrior in him. And also both have such flawless skin — not a zit in sight.

Flynn Rider: Eric Balfour

They are actual twins.

Aladdin/Prince Ali: Tyler Posey

It's NOT a coincidence that they literally have the exact same smirkey side-smile. Tyler Posey is in fact Aladdin in 3-D. Plus Tyler already has that sculpted bod that Aladdin is famous for having and his arms would look beautiful in a purple vest.