12 Results Day Quotes For Every Eventuality

    A-level students are getting their reactions in early before their results are announced on 14 August.

    1. If you do well...

    “@LOTRReactss: #ResultsDayQuotes *Hopefully* ” @alex_roney7 Breakfast tomorrow

    2. If you do badly...


    Opening your results like #ResultsDayQuotes

    4. If you do really badly.

    “@ReactionDisney: This is me tomorrow #ResultsDayQuotes ” @htimsedajyeleek


    #ResultsDayQuotes Current Mood

    6. If you don't get in to your first-choice university.

    7. If your parents were no help whatsoever.

    #ResultsDayQuotes Mum: "Calm down, i'm sure you did fine. What's done is done." Dad: "You'll be alright" Me:

    8. If you're feeling pretty zen about it all.


    10. If you're feeling fighty.

    11. If you feel like trolling your mum.

    #ResultsDayQuotes "But Mum, Jesus didn't have any A-levels"

    12. And no matter what happens...

    “@FriendsReactss: #ResultsDayQuotes ” @_hannahlunnon @KayyHayy123 @livsgoslingx @ambergunnie