Porn Comments Meet Lego, With Unexpectedly Delightful Results

    You'd think this would soil your childhood memories. Actually it's kind of sweet.

    Alex Eylar last delighted the internet in 2012 with his Lego recreations of famous movie scenes.

    His latest project takes as its source material comments on the /gonewild subreddit, an amateur porn community.

    The images have had hundreds of thousands of views on Imgur.

    What makes them funny, he tells BuzzFeed, is the incongruity between the creepy comments - mostly by men, though for balance some are taken from the /ladyboners subreddit for women - and the wholesomeness of the figures.

    "It's a perfect fit, and a nice contrast, innocent Lego and sexual remarks," he says.

    "That's probably why it's been so popular: the bizarre corruption of a childhood staple."