18 Times Families Had Serious Drama And Huge Feuds

    You best sit down for this drama.

    We recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to dish the dirt on their family feuds. Here are some of the wildest responses!

    1. The pancake syrup drama:

    "My sister, who is a year older than me, put Fabuloso cleaner into the pancake syrup to get back at our oldest sister for something. The rest of us ate it...until our dad came in, tasted it, and yelled to stop eating immediately."

    "She could have killed us! But we have the strongest bond among siblings I’ve ever seen."


    2. The family jewels feud:

    "My grandma has lived with her sister for a long time, but my great-aunt decided to move out. There was a whole bunch of inherited jewellery that they wouldn't stop fighting over, and eventually they packed it into a garbage bag. They decided that they'd figure out who'd get it at a later stage."

    "Well, my grandma put out all the garbage bags and they were hauled off to the dump. My great-aunt just let her stew over the guilt for a while until one of my aunts found the garbage bag full of jewellery hidden in her car!"


    3. The dishwasher feud:

    "My cousin started a year long fight with me over how to load a dishwasher (I was 27 at the time and she was 50!). The cops were called and I had to get a restraining order even though she lived with me! She eventually moved out but we haven't spoken for well over two years."


    4. The cat feud:

    "After my great-grandma passed away, my great-aunt said she would take her cat if nobody else wanted it. My grandma stepped forward to claim the cat for herself, not knowing that her sister was already planning to take it. They got in an argument over it and then had a fist fight at their own mother’s funeral. They were both in their sixties at the time."


    5. The lying mom drama:

    "My mom got arrested and gave the cops my name and birthdate, only changing the year. I found out when my ex-husband (cop) came across it in their database. Honestly, I'm just surprised she remembered my birthdate..."


    6. The spiteful grandmother drama:

    "I had an awful, spiteful grandmother. One of my aunts tried pushing her down the stairs. It didn’t work, but she did break a hip. She lay at the bottom of the stairs, shaking her fist, yelling “you got to try harder than that!!”."


    7. The good china feud:

    "My sister-in-law aunt accidentally tripped over the cat and crashed into the china cabinet, smashing the china. I was there to vouch for her as I saw it. However my dad's sister did not see it that way and claimed she was jealous of her and did it on purpose. That was 12 years ago and they haven't spoken a word to each other since!"


    8. The accidental tree drama:

    "When I was little my parents had cut down a tree in the garden, and my older sister was pretending to cut the tree herself by swinging the tools around. She called me and as I turned, one of them hit me in the face just above my eye and split it open, and in my panic I told my mum I tripped and landed on the broken tree trunk. We kept up the story for about 20 years and she only found out last year that I lied to protect my sister!"


    9. The family photo drama:

    "I have six siblings so things get hectic. My parents tried doing a family photo that went horribly wrong. My older bro threw a chair at the camera, my younger sister had the weirdest facial expression. One of my twin baby sisters threw up on my mum, and the other peed on my dad. Last month my posh neighbours took their picture, and ours, and did a neighbourhood survey to see which one is better. Long story short, we didn't win."


    10. The Wedding invite feud:

    "My uncle hasn't forgiven me for not inviting him to my wedding seven years ago, he mentions it to my mum on a regular basis and to me when he sees me. I didn't want him there. Not sorry."


    11. The baby name feud:

    "One of my older sisters has been excluded from our family for 12 years now. The incident that caused the exclusion was when my brother’s eldest was born and he decided to use the same middle name as our sister’s little girl, and she hit the roof. The language she decided to use wouldn’t be used by mortal enemies, she is a nasty piece of work."


    12. The new wife feud:

    "My married uncle went to Thailand for, 'work,' when he came back, he returned with a new partner, despite being married. Now, he's divorced my aunt and they're completely ignoring each other, no connection except for the fact that he's living with his new partner and my aunt in the same house!"


    13. The dog name feud:

    "Sister-in-law one got REALLY angry and ignored sister-in-law two because sister-in-law two adopted a rescue dog via one of those subscription things, and it had the same name as what sister-in-law one wants to call her future child."


    14. The witch feud:

    "My grandma, has always showed some pretty sour feelings towards her sons and their wives. However, one wife is my grandma's main victim. One summer she invented a story that my uncle’s wife was a witch and that she was messing with the family."

    "We all ignored her but she got into one of the other wives’ head and to this day things are awkward. My grandma still believes some of it though because I recently found out she’s been pouring salt in our water claiming it will protect us from spells."


    15. The unforgotten slogan drama:

    "When I was a little girl, my mum and I were on a New Year's Eve quiz team and one of the questions was "Which car company's slogan is 'Vorsprung durch Technik?'". For some reason I just knew the answer was Audi, but my mum was uncharacteristically insistent on putting Volkswagen, and we lost the quiz. 15 years later, I still don't let her forget it whenever an Audi advert comes on."


    16. The Alfie Boe feud:

    "My mother got angry because my boyfriend (now husband) and I didn't want to watch a show about Michael Ball and Alfie Boe on TV. She then screamed at me for not "sharing in her joy" and challenged me to a fight. I then had to tell her I was six weeks pregnant with her first granddaughter and we didn't speak for seven months."


    17. The dog walking feud:

    "We were moving into our new house about half a year ago with my mother, and both of us have health problems, so her siblings came to help us out. We agreed that I'd drive the dogs back and forth from the house to this park nearby where I could take them for a walk. When we got to the house, my aunt got royally pissed. She started screaming at me about just being lazy by driving the dogs back and forth and completely ignored the fact that I have had severe back problems for over two years."

    "She then said "I am SO done with this! WE are going to have lunch and YOU are going to bring the rest of the furniture inside." I was 19 years old."


    18. The shoes feud:

    "So my mum likes to leave out all her shoes across our hallway and I always trip over them.

    One day I asked her if she could just keep them in our shoe cupboard 'cause I kept tripping, and she screamed at me "FINE THEN I GUESS I'M A BAD MOTHER" and she’s never lived it down."


    Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity

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