When You Think About It From These Disney Villains' POV, Can You Really Blame Them?

    They were bad, but they were also badass.

    1. Yzma, from The Emperor's New Groove

    2. Madame Mim, from The Sword in the Stone

    3. Zira, from The Lion King II: Simba's Pride

    4. The Queen of Hearts, from Alice in Wonderland

    5. Te Kā, from Moana

    6. Shenzi, from The Lion King

    7. Queen Narissa, from Enchanted

    8. Cruella de Vil, from 101 Dalmations

    9. Ursula, from The Little Mermaid

    10. Maleficent, from Sleeping Beauty

    This post was translated from Spanish.