Here Are 17 Of The Biggest Myths About Being A Gay Man That You'll See In Pop Culture

    For starters, not all gay men like theater!

    1. Myth: Gay men always have a group of fabulous best girl friends with whom they spend all of their time.

    2. Myth: gay men are either super effeminate or super macho.

    3. Myth: Effeminate men are usually "bottoms."

    4. Myth: All gay men are spectacular dancers.

    5. Myth: anal sex is as easy as cracking open a can of soda.

    6. Myth: Gay men are always super extravagant, especially when it comes to the way they dress.

    7. Myth: Gay men are all also super extroverted, dramatic and talk really loudly.

    8. Myth: Every gay man is dying to be a drag queen.

    9. Myth: Musical theater is like the gay man's gospel.

    10. Myth: All gay men are open to having a threesome.

    11. Myth: All gay men are obsessed with pop divas.

    12. Myth: All gay men are promiscuous.

    13. Myth: All gay men have a huge fetish for leather.

    14. Myth: Gay men want to hook up with their straight friends.

    15. Myth: All gay men have perfectly toned bodies.

    16. Myth: All gay men are fashion experts.

    17. Myth: All gay men are only interested in sex.

    So, tl;dr, every gay man is unique and deserves to be valued for who they are — no matter what pop culture dictates! ❤️

    This post was translated from Spanish.