26 Reactions From Gay Porn That Can Be Used In Everyday Life

    Life is hard. Really hard. But we deal with it with a smile on our faces. Note: some images are obviously NSFW.

    1. The moment you get home and take off those new shoes that hurt so much.

    2. Mmmm... the delicious aroma of coffee in the morning!

    3. When you have to greet someone you don't get along with.

    4. When you realize that you didn't pay the electric bill and it's already overdue.

    5. When you're taking a shower and someone flushes the toilet and the water comes out freezing cold.

    6. When you decide to whip cream by hand but you can't seem to get it there.

    7. The uncomfortable moment when you go in the dressing room and everyone else has a better body than yours.

    8. Being surprised when you're leaving presents beneath the Christmas tree!

    9. When your friend whispers, "Don't look now, but..."

    10. When you realize you sent a message to the wrong person.

    11. When it's your turn to stretch in gymnastics class and your knees are really killing you.

    12. When you bend over to tie your shoes and you find some lost money.

    13. The bad luck when you lose your glasses and need to look for them even though you can't see.

    14. When you have tickle contests with your friends!

    15. Those weekends when all your friends go out without you.

    16. When you took all those Japanese classes and you finally learn to say "konichiwa."

    17. "Oh no! I got something in my eye!"

    18. When your best friend has better shoes than you and you're envious.

    19. When you're really tense and you get the best massage of your life.

    20. When you try a massage chair for the first time.

    21. When you make the terrible mistake of trying waxing for the first time. It hurts SO MUCH!

    22. When you get back from drinking and your friend asks if you can smell the alcohol on his breath.

    23. When you learn to park your motorcycle in reverse.

    24. When your bat belt gets tangled right before you have to leave to fight Superman. This has happened to everyone I bet!

    25. When your fingers get trapped in a closing door.

    26. And if nothing else works, remember: you can always join a band.