17 Times Bathrooms Have Made You Want To Cry

    Oh, crap.

    It's time to reclaim the sanctity of the bathroom and what's done in there.

    1. Running out of toilet paper.

    2. Going in after someone whose digestive system clearly isn't well.

    3. When you're waiting outside and you can *hear* the person inside.

    4. That feeling when the toilet gets clogged when you're visiting someone.

    5. The orphan poop.

    6. That guy who refuses to touch anything.

    7. Leaving a legacy for future generations.

    8. PSA to the men of the world: please control your spray.

    9. The awkwardness that is the urinal.

    10. When you only feel comfortable using your own bathroom.

    11. When someone leaves a "work of art" in the bowl for you.

    12. When you're visiting friends in Europe and you realize that the little towel next to their bidet wasn't for wiping your face.

    13. Your recurring nightmare: you press the button and there's no soap.

    14. When it's winter and you sit on the seat like:

    15. People who open the door without knocking.

    16. Doors that have huge gaps or windows so people outside can still see you.

    17. And then, of course, there's always that person who takes waaaaaaay too much time in there.