10 Signs You Do College Mock Trial

    Mock Trial. Real Victory.

    1. You have the vocabulary of a law student

    2. You've called a professor "Your Honor" by accident

    3. The Midlands Rules of Evidence is your favorite read

    4. Sometimes you just can't handle the other team's witnesses

    5. You feel like you're on a daytime courtroom drama during trial

    6. You know that everyone looks better in a suit

    7. You always know the latest gossip on Mock Trial Confessions

    8. You're not afraid of public speaking anymore

    9. Your favorite part of any trial is an impeachment

    10. No matter how hard the mock life might be, you've met some of your best friends through mock trial

    Interested in learning more about mock trial?

    Check out our 2016 recruitment video here:

    View this video on YouTube


    In the 2015-2016 season Wash U Mock Trial sent 1 senior off to law school at NYU and 2 to Columbia University.

    We traveled to 9 tournaments, won 27 individual awards, earned a bid to the Opening Round Championship Series, earned a bid to Nationals, had 1 All-American Attorney, and took 5th place in the nation!