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    I Watch TV, So You Don’t Have To: Black Ink Crew: “Ain’t No Thang But A Chicken Wing” (S3 EP 5)

    Chicken wings can either squash or start a war.

    Episode Four: "C'est La Vie"

    Episode Three: "Paris B*tches!"

    Episode Two: "Extra Baggage"

    Episode One: "O'S**t"

    She Said YES!

    Well, color me surprised, who do I owe money to? I really thought Dutchess was going to say no because she wanted to take her relationship with Ceaser slow this go round, but here we are. They both said that this is true love and they're not telling anyone at the shop (except Sky), so Mazel to them.

    Meanwhile, Back In Harlem

    O'S**t thinks he's going to be in a five year engagement and he's considering getting a vasectomy, so that means no more children for him and Anya. At the same time he's considering freezing his sperm, just in case he wants to have more kids later. I… can't. On top of all of this he finally admitted what we already knew, he's having sex with Donna, but here's the kicker -he's having unprotected sex with her. Richard… Richard "O'S**t Duncan, I need you to get your life together immediately.

    Quani Found Herself

    After her trip to Paris, Quani has finally figured out what she wants to do. She wants to pursue a career in fashion and she wants Puma to fall back from party hosting and staying out all night to stay home a little and help take care of their daughter Tamia. Basically, Puma said no. He's very selfish in his marriage, some may chop it up to being traditional, but it is nothing more than being selfish not wanting your wife to step out on her own. At this rate, their marriage won't last.

    Sassy Quits

    She wants to venture out on her own and create her own identity outside of Black Ink and Ink 124. Puma is mad about it, but he respects it.

    Sky and Her Crazy World

    Sky is in love and faithful to Bobby… Somewhat. She still has a thing for Teddy, I feel like I said back in the episode one recap that I wish Ted and Sky would've stayed together, but I understand why. Bobby came to get a tattoo from Ceaser and you can tell that she's head over heels in love with Bobby. Ceaser believes that it's lust and that the two won't last due to Bobby being too good for Sky (Ceaser's words NOT mine).

    Meanwhile, Sky and Teddy are still very flirty with each other. She kind of wants that old thing back, it's obvious. What's that saying? "Once they're taken, they always want you more". That is very much the situation with Sky and Ted. I don't think he wants her, he just wants to see if he still has that power to have her at his discretion. Ted doesn't mind being boyfriend number two, if Bobby doesn't know what to do and then the line was crossed at the party.

    While Bobby was up front, looking like a gump in love, Sky and Ted were in the back making out. Shaking. My. Damn. Head. She almost told Bobby, but backed out. What he doesn't know won't hurt him, right Sky?

    Dead Party

    It was raining, and apparently Teddy and Ceaser are going through something, so there weren't a lot of people at the Black Ink re-grand opening party. There wasn't much to talk about, Puma came in and started letting off snarky remarks from the door about how empty the party was. Erica Mena randomly showed up and they had door security.

    Truce Over

    Ceaser was tired of Puma talking cash shit about the party, and about the shop so before things got heated he asked Puma to leave. After an exchange of words, all I know was Ceaser said "Do I owe you something?" and Puma dropped a chicken wing bone on the damn floor. After that, all you saw was Puma on the floor next to the bone.

    It was a mess, it took eight people to get Puma out of the shop (I can't even exaggerate the number, because the party was that empty) and one person was holding Ceaser back in the shop, Dutchess was screaming. Puma was in the rain looking like he was dancing for Lil Saint (somebody will get this reference) and in my opinion it was all childish. I'm not even mad at Ceaser for defending his shop and his home, but Puma… Puma is going through the motions with his drama at home, Ink 124 drama with Sassy leaving and just life, unfortunately, he took it out on the wrong person.

    This will get pettier before it gets better.

    Finally thoughts

    1.Puma's real name is Paul.

    2.Donna is… (fill in the blank)

    3.Ted isn't here for Dutchess and Ceaser back together. He looked pissed on the couch. LMAO