People Are Revealing Subtle Signs That Quietly Scream "I'm Rich," And Wow, It's Sooo True

    "The people in the fancy clothes who look filthy rich are reasonably wealthy. The ones in jeans and T-shirts who look normal are actually filthy rich."

    The other day, Redditor u/whoistomf0rd asked the internet, "What quietly screams 'rich/wealthy'?" and people shared tons of small signs of wealth that are actually soooo obvious — if you pick up on them, that is.

    Here are some of the top-voted responses:

    1. "Having no logos on their clothes, but their clothes are very well-fitted (tailored) and pressed/cleaned."


    2. "Paying for everyone’s food/picking up the tab (when done in a passive and nonchalant way)."


    3. "I work in the private jet world. Rich people take tons of photos while getting on the plane. But the super wealthy just walk straight onto the plane."

    4. "Friend of mine used to run a ridiculously exclusive cocktail bar. He always said, 'The ones in the fancy clothes who look filthy rich are typically reasonably wealthy. The ones in jeans and T-shirts who look normal are usually filthy rich.'"

    "Basically, the truly rich people didn't see the place as anything out of the ordinary, so they saw no reason to dress up."


    5. "I cleaned huge houses for a living, and to me, it was the custom-built Lego rooms with cabinets — floor to ceiling — full of organized Lego sets."


    6. "Having a pool house — and letting guests stay there because it’s a nice pool house."

    A fancy pool house

    7. "I have a friend who is moving to the Bay Area. To work for a nonprofit. Part-time. She didn't know what her salary would be."


    8. "Spontaneity. Just talking about something or some place, and then doing it or booking it there and then."


    9. "Not knowing the price of everyday stuff, like groceries or electricity."

    Someone picks up fresh produce at the grocery store

    10. "Not hesitating to eat in a restaurant with no prices on the menu."


    11. "I once heard someone say, 'Everyone who enters their house through a garage that's empty except for some bottled water.' I don't know why, but this is so true."


    12. "Suspicious amounts of free time to pursue their interests, travel, or just be out and about."

    Someone waits for their flight at the airport

    13. "I know it's not a big thing, but people who use really nice plates and silver cutlery very casually. I've seen poor people with Mustangs, but I've never seen poor people eating with polished silver."


    14. "Not bothering with refunds because it's not worth the hassle."


    15. "If you use money to get time instead of time to get money."


    16. "A Steinway concert grand piano in the living room (worth about $195,000) that no one in the household plays."

    17. "Being retired with no debt before being in your 50s."


    18. "Sofa in the middle of the living room and not touching the wall is an easy way to tell."


    19. "I used to work at a clothing store. This lady comes in, and she’s well dressed, looks great, and is super polite to the people helping her. At checkout, she pulls out a black Amex card. She was not my first black Amex card customer, but she was above and beyond more of a human than the others. I assume she was rich AF."

    Someone holds a bunch of shopping bags

    20. "Owning a second house or a boat and not feeling obligated to use it heavily."


    21. "The ability to purchase lumber."


    22. "Had a guy in my class at university who was FILTHY rich, and one thing that always stood out was how he treated laws. Can't park his car here? 'I can park here — it will just cost me X amount in fines.'"

    A street sign that reads, "No parking any time"

    23. "A family member owns a lake house but always refers to it as 'just a little weekend place' like it’s no big deal and everyone has one."


    24. "Not worrying about losing a job and just taking up a hobby because they have 'time to kill' instead of looking for a job that helps pay bills."


    25. And finally: "Not being concerned with whether other people think you are wealthy or not."

    What are other small, subtle signs someone is very wealthy? Let us know in the comments below!

    Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.