People Are Sharing "Normal" Things That Are Actually Terrifying, And There Are No Lies Detected


    The other day, redditor u/Mangled_inside asked the internet: "What is something that you find terrifying that everyone finds normal?" Fellow Reddit users came through with some hilarious AND serious answers — and honestly, they're not wrong.

    Here are the interesting results:

    1. "Doctors being able to cut open your body and put it back together."

    A surgeon holds tools in an operating room

    2. "Driving."

    Someone holds a steering wheel while driving in the countryside

    3. "Honestly, pressure hydraulics. How anyone can be complacent around hot oil at 3,000 PSI is baffling to me."

    A complicated-looking pressure hydraulics system

    4. "Space...I mean like...WTF? Most people are like space, yeah planets and sh*t. But hell, it just goes and goes."

    An ominous view of earth from outer space

    5. "The ocean."

    A person swimming under water

    6. "I sometimes get this weird fear that the bridge I’m crossing will suddenly collapse. So, I think I have a mild but rare case of gephyrophobia."

    An above-head view of a long bridge with cars driving over it

    7. "The Thomas the Tank Engine theme song."

    A real-life replica of Thomas the Tank Engine

    8. "Debt (student loans, car notes, mortgages, credit cards)."

    A calculator among credit cards, money, and lots of bills

    9. "Anybody that can consistently get themselves to wake up 10–15 minutes before their alarm is supposed to go off."

    Someone reaches over the shut off their alarm clock

    10. "Lightning. I had been very close to a few strikes as a child and was subsequently terrified of it. I've become less utterly terrified of it in the last 10 years or so, but I'll still be fighting off a panic attack if I have to be outside during a storm."

    Lightning strikes a city at night

    11. "Switching lanes on the freeway."

    Several cars rushing on the freeway

    12. "Getting old."

    A young person holds the hands of an elderly person

    13. "The Hamburger Helper hand. It doesn’t make design or logical sense. It’s a glove with the face in the palm, so it’s not functional. Frightening."

    A box of Hamburger Helper, with its infamous hand mascot

    14. "Social media. I've lived long enough to see it fundamentally change society and the people in it. Not for the better."

    Someone checking their social media on their phone

    15. "Time. It's basically the measure of decay."

    An hourglass of sand pouring slowly

    16. "Pregnancy. I mean, just stop and think about the whole concept for a second…"

    Someone pregnant holds their stomach

    17. And finally: "Parents who make social media accounts for their baby, then proceed to comment as if their baby is replying back to everyone."

    A parent takes a photo of their child

    According to you, what's something normal that's actually terrifying? Let us know in the comments below!

    Note: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.