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Tell Us Something You Bought That's Not Worth Splurging On

It's time to tell the truth!

Some items are 100% worth the investment, even if they cost quite a bit of money. In fact, people recently shared the expensive items they've bought that they really love.

woman shopping

But we want to know the other side: what's something expensive you splurged on that you regret buying?

credit card

Like, maybe you were always the one who upgraded your phone, computer, and other electronics every time something new came out — but you realized weren't even using any new features, and you ended up spending a lot for nothing.

row of smart watches on display

Or perhaps you're a seasoned traveler and can say that certain upgrades, like flying first class, aren't actually worth the extra money.

flight attendant

Maybe you used to love shopping for new, name-brand clothes — and some of them didn't even last for very long at all! But now, you'd rather go thrifting for clothing that's still quality but without the price tag.

Or maybe you stopped paying for streaming services you hardly used, and you realize you're saving tons of money.

remote pointed at a tv

We want to hear it all! In the comments below, tell us something you bought that's expensive but not worth the money — and if applicable, what you started buying instead. Or, if you prefer to remain anonymous, you can use this Google Form. Your response could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.