Women Journalists Clapped Back At Kim Campbell For Saying They Shouldn't Be Sleeveless


    Former prime minister Kim Campbell is known for having a personality on Twitter, but some recent commentary about women's wardrobes isn't going over well.

    Well, women journalists across Canada were none too pleased. Here's Dawna Friesen, anchor of Global National.

    On the air with the first edition of @GlobalNational And for those who care (I'm talking to you @AKimCampbell !) I'… https://t.co/FEDiAcaAea

    And this is Tammie Sutherland with CityNews. "If ppl find 2cms of my upper arm that distracting, there are bigger issues at play for them."

    If ppl find 2cms of my upper arm that distracting, there are bigger issues at play for them. & as one who’s been ju… https://t.co/WoiBSwxsRZ

    And Angie Seth from Global News.

    Really? No disrespect to you @AKimCampbell, but myself and my female colleagues wear what we chose to wear with dig… https://t.co/oiIQnkNbkn

    And Halifax anchor Andrea Dion.

    Guess I better change my profile picture then... I appreciate that I live in a society where I can choose to wear w… https://t.co/XUCm5afj8C

    And tech reporter and host Amber Mac.

    Hey @AKimCampbell: women have been wearing sleeveless clothes on and off air for many years. Judge less. Think more… https://t.co/S2PGfavoSo

    And Janice Dickson from iPolitics.

    I've worn sleeveless dresses on TV in the summer. I never got the impression that I was taken less seriously becaus… https://t.co/MPZnGVfKny

    And columnist Tiffany Jean Gooch, driving the message home with Michelle Obama.

    All the research I need on whether my arms influence my credibility right here. @MichelleObama #cdnpoli

    Pretty much any Canadian woman who's brought you the news on TV had something to say.

    As a former on-air broadcaster who wore many sleeveless dresses just wondering why the hell a former PM cares about… https://t.co/Sdw3KiItJd

    There were suggestions to go sleeveless on purpose.

    If it were warmer out, I’d suggest every female journalist wear something sleeveless tomorrow. (I think I’d probabl… https://t.co/FYDgVlaoKR

    A literal rocket scientist also weighed in.

    Pretty sure my wearing sleeveless tops hasn't hindered my contribution to building space robots or a Mars rover! 🤖 https://t.co/ACsuDx1ek7

    And it appears Ontario's premier did too.

    Campbell defended herself with studies about how men and women are perceived differently based on their clothing.

    To all who R outraged by my RTs of research re skin exposure and perception, I suggest U contact the scholars at Ya… https://t.co/hzVVCoPb7m

    Nevertheless, the tweets persisted.

    Ah, yes, those dastardly lady arms, soft as sin, always undermining our credibility and gravitas https://t.co/Q59kImxHss


    Dawna Friesen's name was misspelled in an earlier version of this post.