12 Reminders To Indigenous Youth That You Matter And You Are Loved

    The "We Matter" campaign is sharing messages of hope and survival.

    This is Kelvin and Tunchai Redvers, Dené siblings from the Northwest Territories who want Indigenous youth to know that they matter.

    1. Remember that even if you've come close to giving up, you didn't.

    2. Elders are rooting for you.

    3. The members of A Tribe Called Red want you to know how important Indigenous youth are to them.

    4. And that it's in you to succeed.

    5. To Two-Spirited youth: Don’t hide, and don’t despair.

    6. There are Indigenous people who have survived it all. And they are here for you.

    7. And there are other youth who understand.

    8. Don Burnstick was "close to be being another cross on the ground in my res," but he's still here.

    9. You deserve to be here, and you can find healing through art and writing.

    10. Even when things are tough, keep fighting.

    11. Because hardships can make you stronger.

    12. And you are so loved.

    View this video on YouTube


    We Matter is encouraging others to submit videos, artwork, and writing to add to the collection. There's also plans to distribute USB sticks with the campaign to communities with poor internet access, starting with Saskatchewan.

    "Our big goal is to get a USB stick into the hands of every kid in the province who doesn’t have strong internet," said Tunchai.

    Visit the We Matter website for more videos and to submit your own. If you or someone you know is in crisis, you can find help here.