This Goldendoodle Had The Greatest Vacation On Canada’s Majestic East Coast

    Much fluff, much fun.

    This is Samson the Goldendoodle and he's here to show you how to have the best time frolicking around Nova Scotia.

    Samson, who lives in New York City, recently visited Canada's stunning east coast with his humans Jessica and Alex.

    And honestly every single photo looks like a postcard. Like this stop at Peggy's Cove Lighthouse, which is pretty much Canada's most famous lighthouse.

    Samson also checked out some equipment for lobster fishing — a very important industry in Nova Scotia — on an idyllic summer day.

    Then he sat down for some lobster, because you must.

    And no good trip is complete without sampling local craft beer, like at Garrison Brewing Co. in Halifax.

    There's wine, too!

    If you have time, zip on over to the New Brunswick side of the Bay of Fundy to check out the amazing "flower pot" rock structures.

    But also just frolic on the beach. You've earned it.

    Make some new friends along the way, too.

    Nova Scotia and especially Cape Breton island are well known for their golf courses.

    For some people that means ~sports~, but for the rest of us golfing means sitting around and enjoying the view.

    And cocktails. Obviously cocktails.

    Then make sure to frolic more.

    It can get windy on those rolling hills, so remember to pack a sweater.

    And take naps when you need them.

    Because even when you're taking in the splendour of the Maritimes...

    You need to remember you're also on vacation.