Millennials Say Canada Is The Best Country In The World

    Take that, world.

    Canada has just received what could be the most important endorsement in our history: Millennials think we're pretty cool.

    U.S. News & World Report surveyed adults 35 and under to find out what they consider to be the best countries.

    The U.S. came in fifth place, with Japan in fourth, the U.K. in third, and Germany in second as the best overall country.

    And in first place? Canada. Aww yiss.

    "Canadians pride themselves in encouraging all of their citizens to honor their own cultures," wrote U.S. News & World Report.

    "Canada has a long list of accomplished writers and artists. Céline Dion, Sarah McLachlan and Joni Mitchell are just a few of the Canadians who have made an impression on modern music," added the report, which was clearly not written by a millennial.

    Canada ranked second, behind Germany, in the all-ages results. But what do olds know, amirite?

    The survey asked nearly 6,000 millennials from around the world about their perception of different countries based on 65 attributes.

    Although Canada was ranked highest ~overall~, millennials had other preferences for more specific categories.

    For best country to actually live in, Canada was bumped down to second in favour of Australia. Which, based on weather and proximity to quokkas, seems fair.

    When it comes to dating, Canada ranks even lower, in sixth place. Millennials seem to think Brazil is the best country for dating, followed by Italy, Spain, Australia, and New Zealand.

    But still, we're number one! So gather your hoverboards and cat memes, youth of the world, and let us create a millennial utopia in the Great White North.