15 Things Anyone With Endometriosis Needs You To Know

    Just because you can't see our illness doesn't mean it isn't there.

    1. It's not just a "bad period."

    2. Painkillers usually don't do the trick.

    3. And the pain doesn't always manifest in the same way.

    4. Our endometriosis is probably not going away anytime soon...

    5. ... So we don't always know what to say when someone asks if we're "feeling better yet."

    6. Pregnancy isn't a cure.

    7. And sometimes neither is surgery.

    8. There's a good chance that we've tried every single "cure" available on the internet.

    9. We never *choose* to miss out on social activities due to pain.

    10. It's not just physical pain, it's emotional.

    11. It's not uncommon.

    12. But it's still common to be misdiagnosed for years.

    13. It affects our lives in some way every. single. day.

    14. Telling us our illness "could be worse" is incredibly insensitive.

    15. And just because you can't see our illness doesn't mean it isn't there.