17 Petty Texts That Will Make You Stand Up And Scream "Yes"

    "Did you forget I was alive?"

    1. When you use your detective skills:

    2. When someone has green bubbles but you hit them with the read receipt anyway:

    3. When you answer your own questions because you can't be bothered to wait:

    4. When you have to let them know that accidents happen:

    5. When you point out the obvious:

    6. When you ask the petty questions:

    7. Like, really petty questions:

    8. When you can't be bothered to care that someone is "at work":

    9. When you still wanna text but are too petty to further the convo:

    10. When all you need is emojis to get your point across:

    11. When you state the obvious:

    12. When you're just trying to make sure you get paid:

    13. When you don't sugarcoat it:

    14. When you let 'em know that they're slacking:

    15. When you don't take orders:

    16. When you refuse to be out-petty'd:

    17. And when you won't accept not getting laughs: