• Australia Votes 2016 badge

People Are Comparing Brexit To Australia's Proposed Marriage Equality Vote

"Ominous warnings for Australia's marriage plebiscite."

1. The Brexit results are in: Britain voted to leave the European Union.

#Brexit debate was toxic, divisive, ill informed, + result unwelcomed. Ominous warnings for Aus marriage equality plebiscite #ausvotes

2. And people have quickly started comparing the controversial vote in the UK to Australia's proposed plebiscite on marriage equality.

so imagine this, but instead of the UK it's all of your gay friends watching to find out if Australia thinks they deserve equal rights

3. The plebiscite was suggested in 2015 by then-prime minister Tony Abbott.

Only gormless fool of a PM would have a plebiscite - #Brexit or marriage equality

4. It's widely believed it was introduced as a delaying tactic to appease the socially conservative wing of the Coalition government.

"Promising this plebiscite solved a short-term political problem for Tony Abbott back in 2015" #ausvotes #brexit https://t.co/DXgg2mk6gG

5. In recent weeks, people have expressed fear that a marriage equality plebiscite will unleash anti-LGBTI sentiment.

#brexit shows us the damage that a marriage equality plebiscite could create, we need leadership not fear #auspol

6. Opposition leader Bill Shorten described the plebiscite as a "taxpayer funded platform for homophobia".

How about a brexit but for LGBTIQ marriage? Should work out well

7. But prime minister Malcolm Turnbull is certain the Australian people will be able to have a respectful debate on the issue.

Like #Brexit brings out the xenophobes, the Aus #plebiscite will bring out the homophobes. #ausvotes @TurnbullMalcolm #SSM

8. People are accusing him of lacking leadership.

So @TurnbullMalcolm this is what can happen when leadership abdicates in favor of a plebiscite. #brexit #ausvotes

9. On Friday, Turnbull confirmed the result of the plebiscite won't bind any Coalition MP – not even members of cabinet.

Cameron should do what Turnbull is going to do with gay marriage, ignore the result, and put it to a vote in Parliament anyway. #brexit

10. Now people are worried the result won’t even be carried …

So our plebiscite will probably be as divisive & inflammatory as the #Brexit vote but it won't actually be binding to govt MPs? Pfft #auspol

11. ... And dreading how such a vote might play out down under.

In light of #brexit results today, can't wait to have that gay marriage plebiscite where ignorant people get to discuss my worth to society!


Hey, Australia! How awesome does Malcolm Turnbull's plebiscite on #marriageequality look for national harmony now? #brexit


UK vote shows how damaging plebiscites can be. An opportunity for @TurnbullMalcolm to abandon expensive, unnecessary marriage equality vote


#Brexit debate was toxic, divisive, ill informed, + result unwelcomed. Ominous warnings for Aus marriage equality plebiscite #ausvotes

15. Not everyone is dismayed by the result.

#brexit shows SSM and republic would both go down in Australia . Good stuff voters !


Plebiscite for #BREXIT. Plebiscite for #SSM. This is democracy. #auspol

17. But many are calling for Turnbull to take note.

Hey @TurnbullMalcolm, any lessons here about a referendum to appease extreme factions of your party? Asking for a friend. #ausvotes #Brexit