14 Of The Funniest Tweets About Sonia Kruger's Call For A Muslim Ban


    On Monday morning, TV host Sonia Kruger told Today that there should be a temporary ban on Muslim immigration to Australia.

    Following a damning reaction on social media, the former host of Dancing With The Stars followed up her comments with a statement:

    “Following the atrocities of last week in Nice where 10 children lost their lives, as a mother, I believe it’s vital in a democratic society to be able to discuss these issues without being labelled racist."

    And people couldn't help themselves.


    re: sonia kruger, i'm calling for a ban on breakfast show panels where people are allowed to give opinions nobody asked for


    Sonia Kruger's PR management wondering if it is too soon to re-use the McGuire pain-killers excuse...


    i have no time for this kanye/taylor bullshit, someone from reality tv was racist on the worst morning show known to man


    brave border force agent: mate be honest... are you a muslim terrorist: haha yeah. fair play. you got me. im unable to lie about this


    to be fair kruger's statement was a hell of a lot better than the first draft


    racism is good [crowd boos] this is my belief as a parent [crowd cheers]


    if you're not making fun of sonia kruger you're treating a ballroom dancer and reality show judge as a serious political commentator


    Excuse me, but where are the Caucasian community leaders condemning the actions of Sonia Kruger and Eddie McGuire today, I ask you.


    '????????????????????????????????' is now trending in Australia https://t.co/giFpgTnEo5


    My ovaries have their very own political sub-ideology #AsAMother


    #asamother i think morning television is a threat to our collective intelligence


    Can we get an official list of what #asamother qualifies you for? It would be a big help.


    Incredible, my four-year just turned to me and said, "Mum, why aren't we able to have a frank and fearless conversation about immigration?"


    let's be real, 'as a mother' is the new 'I'm not racist, but...'