• Australia Votes 2016 badge

The 19 Most WTF Moments From Election Night

"I'm not interested in halal."

1. Sam Dastyari inviting Pauline Hanson to share a halal snack pack with him... and getting a firm "No way".

Facebook: video.php

"Not happening, not interested in halal, thank you, not interested in it."

2. Tony Windsor banning all News Corp media from his campaign party.

News Ltd not allowed entry to Tony Windsor campaign office tonight #ausvotes @abcnews @ABCNews24

3. Michael Rowland's lonely, lonely night, spent high up on a balcony somewhere in the ABC.

When will they let poor @mjrowland68 down from the balcony?

Twitter was very concerned for his welfare.

4. The enormous success of Pauline Hanson's One Nation.

5. Channel 9's candidate crusher.

6. Not to mention 7's Tower of Power *and* candidate rocket blaster.

The Tower of Power showing 42 seats to Liberal and 33 to Labor. #ausvotes #7News

7. These headlines.

8. Ruby Rose's election tweets.

They almost fooled me one year with that one of those 'dog and animal parties' which then was actually awful, just vote green

Oh and the sex party.. Like seriously? We still have those wasn't their the boat party too and not like an actual party on a boat.

9. The entire Channel 7 election panel.

This is like watching a train crash, slowly. #ausvotes

Tanya looks pleased to have escaped from the Channel 7 panel #ausvotes

10. This extremely public rebuke of Liberal party pollster Mark Textor, from conservative senator Cory Bernardi.

@TextorMark Hey Tex, I'm thinking that Conservatives actually do matter.

11. When a hung parliament started looking like a real possibility and everyone lost their minds.

#ausvotes @JacquiLambie describes the possible hung parliament

12. Andrew Bolt's incredibly angry letter to Malcolm Turnbull

13. When someone actually sent a pizza to Annabel Crabb after she made an on-air plea for some food.

Omg someone ACTUALLY sent me a pizza!!! Thank you!

14. This exchange on the ABC broadcast.

15. The Channel 7 reporter parked outside Turnbull's house, speculating that he might actually not face Coalition HQ.

16. And the subsequent live footage of Turnbull's car travelling to the Sofitel.

Channel Seven tracking Turnbull's car on the way to Coalition HQ #ausvotes

17. When Shorten and Turnbull both gave what sounded like victory speeches.

18. When a slightly delirious Leigh Sales told Kerry O'Brien to "suck on that!" after they beat the ABC record for longest election broadcast.

19. The result ... or lack thereof.