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11 Signs You're Finally Comfortable In Your New City

Ahh, the big city: mind-numbingly terrifying...until it suddenly isn't!

1. Your maps app is now only your fifth-most-referenced cellular application.

2. You've got your online food order down pat.

3. When someone asks if you want to meet at "the park," you know exactly where they'll be.

4. You're on a first-name basis with the local coffee shop employees.

5. You can finally hail a cab! By yourself! In the rain!

6. You've reached the point that specific landmarks bring back a slew of memories from your personal history with the city.

7. You have a designated first-date spot.

8. If a tourist stops you on the street to ask for directions, you're now confident you can legitimately offer them assistance.

9. You're no longer absolutely terrified of public transit...

10. And when construction gets in the way of your usual commute, you've got several backup routes stored mentally at your disposal.

11. When friends and family come to visit, you're equipped with several local restaurants and landmarks to make them "ooh" and "ahh" in revelry.