25 Things You Should Know About America's First Ladies

    “The first lady is, and always has been, an unpaid public servant elected by one person: her husband.” -Lady Bird Johnson

    1. The First Lady of the United States (FLOTUS) is a role that's traditionally filled by the wife of the President.

    2. She also traditionally serves as an advisor to the President of the United States and is the hostess of the White House.

    3. The First Lady does not get financially compensated for her job.

    4. There are currently five living former first ladies.

    5. The term First Lady was created by the press when they referred to Martha Washington as "Lady Washington."

    6. When John Adams was writing the Declaration of Independence, Abigail Adams encouraged him to “remember the ladies."

    7. Dolley Madison was the first American to respond to a telegraph message.

    8. Sarah Polk worked as her husband's secretary without taking a salary.

    9. Julia Grant owned slaves during the Civil War, even though her husband was the general of the Union Army.

    10. Rachel Jackson married Andrew Jackson before she was divorced from her first husband.

    11. Abigail Fillmore, a former teacher, was the first presidential wife to work for a salary before getting married.

    12. Mary Lincoln was the first First Lady to hold séances in the White House.

    13. Eliza Johnson taught her husband, Andrew, how to correctly pronounce and spell words.

    14. Lucy Hayes hosted the first Easter Egg Roll on the White House lawn.

    15. Florence Harding was the first First Lady to cast a vote.

    16. Helen Taft was first First Lady to ride in the carriage with her husband during the Inaugural Parade.

    17. Eleanor Roosevelt was the first First Lady to hold regular press conferences and write a daily newspaper column.

    18. Bess Truman never gave an interview as First Lady.

    19. Jacqueline Kennedy won an Emmy Award for her television tour of the White House.

    20. Pat Nixon was the first First Lady to ever wear pants in public.

    21. She was also the first First Lady to visit a combat zone when she joined President Nixon on his 1969 trip to South Vietnam.

    22. Barbara Bush is the only First Lady to ever write a memoir from her dog's point of view.

    23. Hillary Clinton is the only First Lady who was elected into office in the U.S. Senate and to run for president.

    24. Chelsea Clinton fulfilled First Lady duties for 3 weeks in 2000 when Hillary went into office as New York Senator before Bill was sworn out.

    25. Laura Bush is the only First Lady who worked as a librarian.

    Happy Presidents Day, and don't forget: "remember the ladies."