This UConn RA Reminded His Residents About Quiet Hours During Tonight's National Championship Game

    "While you may get caught up in tonight, please remember that the night will eventually end. And no matter what the basketball team does, I'm still going to be your RA for another month."

    Tonight, the 2014 NCAA March Madness tournament comes to a close as UConn plays the University of Kentucky for the national title.

    Apparently, one RA decided to remind his residents that even though their school is playing for the national championship, quiet hours are still being enforced.

    check out this email from arguably the worst RA in UCONN history. fuck yeah RA Derek

    The e-mail says:

    "Hey everyone,

    Please go to Gampel or somewhere else to watch the game. Midnight quiet hours still apply here, so responsibly go nuts elsewhere. I'm on duty tonight and it's going to be stressful, so please don't to [sic] push it on our floor. There are going to be a lot of RA's and police around North, if I wasn't an RA I would personally stay away from here tonight.

    In the end, remember that the only reason you care about the game is:

    a.) because they're wearing a UConn uniform

    b.) you want an excuse to go wild

    If it's the first one, you're cheering for laundry. Get excited if you want, but it's nothing worth getting in trouble for. If it's the second one, be as far away from me as possible tonight. I will not appreciate being disrespected over the outcome of a basketball game. I've done all I can to respect you and your privacy since August, please reciprocate this respect and be civil on the floor.

    While you may get caught up in tonight, please remember that the night will eventually end. And no matter what the basketball team does, I'm still going to be your RA for another month.

    So have fun, but not too much fun.


    Students and UConn fans aren't taking kindly to Derek's words, according to the #RADerek hashtag.

    The 20 yr old version of me would have recruited 1,000 people to celebrate with #RADerek outside his door. GO HUSKIES!!!!

    #RADerek is the cop who will pull you over for doing 57 in a 55.

    I'm sure the referees are glad that #RADerek took some heat off of them before tonight's game.

    It's okay, #RADerek. I got picked last for kickball, too.

    What if #RADerek is Jimmy Kimmel straight trolling everyone?

    #RADerek is the hero we neither need nor deserve

    In Derek's defense, UConn does make it to the championship quite a bit, so maybe tonight's game just doesn't feel like a huge deal to him.