Luke's Diner Has An Updated List Of Rules Because Of Course

    Technology has come a long way since 2007. Spoilers ahead!

    It's been years since Gilmore Girls fans have seen the inside of Luke's Diner, a Stars Hollow staple.

    But thanks to the Netflix revival, Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life, we've been able to return and Luke's is still the reliably comforting place it's always been.

    Lorelai and Rory are still obsessing over Luke's famous breakfast.

    Kirk still stops by and gives Luke a hard time.

    And you know it wouldn't be a trip to Luke's if Taylor Doose wasn't in there complaining about something.

    Caesar still works in the kitchen.

    And Luke's still pouring coffee.

    But there's ~one~ thing that's a little different. In addition to hanging his "No cell phones" sign that was always in the diner...

    ...Luke also added another list of rules for customers to follow.

    If you look closely, it says: "No texting while ordering; No man buns! No taking pictures of food; No headphones; If I can hear your music through your headphones, WHY ARE YOU WEARING HEADPHONES?"

    Technology, amiright?

    Also, because it's 2016, lots of customers are always asking Luke what his Wi-Fi password is.

    In classic Luke fashion, he keeps giving people the wrong password in hopes they'll eventually give up.

    It's nice to know some things never change.